
This is the greatest and best book in the world. . . tribute.

So is it ironic that the title of my post is a tribute in of itself to Tenacious D's song "Tribute"? Which was a tribute to own of their own songs? Well enough of that, no new work from me right now, though you can expect to see a Hit Girl drawing in the very near future. Today we had a little bit of tribute art for my book, Favorite. Take a look below, I was pretty excited to see it. The work is by fellow illustrator, Jacob Anderson. You can see his original blog post HERE. For those of you who don't get the reference, you could take a look at the listing on indyplanet HERE and check out a few preview pages from the opening of the book. Well that's all from me right now, take a look at Jacob's drawing!

(Courtesy of Jacob Anderson: jacobandersonart.blogspot.com )

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