
The Mighty Morphin Green Power Ranger!


So I've been busy working away at more paintings, drawings, and whatnot over the past few weeks.  After finishing the last portrait I was trying to think of who (or what) I really wanted to paint next.  Well I've been on bit of a nostalgia trip recently - after finding some of my old Power Ranger toys in the attic and an old illustrated book entitled "Power Rangers" by a 7-year-old me.  It's a multiple paged book typed up on, you guessed it, a typewriter! Because we still had those at our school when I was in 1st grade.  On each page I illustrated a scene about the Power Rangers that I so dearly loved, in an attempt to tell almost two seasons worth of story.  Anywho, below is the cover (it's seen better days) to that story.

(Construction paper, Marker, Pipecleaner, Assorted stickers, Fluffy poof balls, buttons, stamps, glitter)