
Louis C.K. Quote

"To me, art supplies are always ok to buy."

-Louis C.K.


Protoman Sketch

(Ink, Pen, and Marker)

I always thought Protoman was pretty cool, I know he's a playable character in Mega Man 9&10 but I still think it would be awesome if he got his own video game.




Well no Navi here to yell at this link. To be honest I think that the first Zelda game for the old NES was one of the more difficult games in the series, I've never beaten it.


The Mighty Morphin Green Power Ranger!


So I've been busy working away at more paintings, drawings, and whatnot over the past few weeks.  After finishing the last portrait I was trying to think of who (or what) I really wanted to paint next.  Well I've been on bit of a nostalgia trip recently - after finding some of my old Power Ranger toys in the attic and an old illustrated book entitled "Power Rangers" by a 7-year-old me.  It's a multiple paged book typed up on, you guessed it, a typewriter! Because we still had those at our school when I was in 1st grade.  On each page I illustrated a scene about the Power Rangers that I so dearly loved, in an attempt to tell almost two seasons worth of story.  Anywho, below is the cover (it's seen better days) to that story.

(Construction paper, Marker, Pipecleaner, Assorted stickers, Fluffy poof balls, buttons, stamps, glitter)


Superman VS General Zod


Well I had originally intended to post another project today, but in lieu of having just watched Man of Steel the other night I decided to whip up a Superman drawing.  I really enjoyed the movie, I've seen some articles complaining that it was just a big 'ole punching match, but to be honest, that's exactly what I want to see in a Superman movie. I'm not interested in Superman "outsmarting" his enemies, I want to see him punch things. *SPOILER* - Superman and General Zod fight.

So anywho below is my process in creating these images. They all begin as a blue pencil sketch which I ink over. The image is then scanned, I turn the scan into line art (ie: remove the white background) and proceed to color the image in photoshop. I begin by just blocking in the colors so I can use them as a basis for layer masks that I create for highlights/shadows. I use layer masks because it is a process of non-desructive editing - meaning if I "erase" something using the layer mask, I can go back and remove the mask exposing whatever I had "erased"- it's all still there. After coloring is complete I apply an appropriate texture layer to enhance the work.


Flying Whale


It's a flying sperm whale/narwhal with feathers, or something...


I'm the Baby, Gotta Love Me!


Now I know it's not the actual baby from Dinosaurs, but I did just happen to stumble across the show on Netflix the other day - I gotta say it's a lot different watching shows like that as an adult vs. having watched them as a child growing up. 


Oh hey! A Tree!


I've been updating my website and this blog over the past few days and of course, I've been making art too! This is another sketch that I scanned in and colored digitally. I have a few more that are up on my portfolio site that I'll be posting here soon.


Another Portrait!


So here's the other one.