
Equal Rights

So I want to share this piece that I showed a few months ago for the first time in the Art Educators show.  This idea was conceived some years ago as a print and was refined as a set of 3 12x12 paintings.  The title is the same, "Family".  I don't know why I've never gotten around to posting it, but in light of the current case against proposition 8 in the Supreme Court I felt now was an appropriate time to share this work.  This photo was taken as it was hanging in the Art Educators Art Show.

(Acrylic Paint on Wood)


Dead Space Update

Hey all, I've been getting some work done on this Dead Space piece little by little, so below is an update of some screenshots that I've grabbed as I've been working.  It's slowly coming together... that is everything but his hands - I really should have at least blocked them in by now but I've been getting distracted by everything else...so I think they are next on the list.  But then again... Isaac doesn't really need his hands to stomp necromorphs.



Well I've been working diligently in my sketchbook - so here's a look at another sketch creation.  But seriously I think I now use my iPad more than my Macbook - it's just a lot more convenient.  In fact I think I'm going to start scanning my black and white sketches via iPad.  I used an app to scan the one below, doesn't look bad at all eh?



Deadly but Friendly

Just another sketch I whipped up not much to say on this one, just take a look!



Dead Space Work in Progress 2

Hey all, sorry for the lack of an update on this. I've been a little sick the past couple of days.  But here ya go! Still needs A LOT of work, but it's comin along.

(Digital Media)

And here is the progress shot from my previous post:


Darksiders II Death Sketch

Well I'm still working on the Dead Space piece but I decided I needed a break from it so I could come back to it with fresh eyes and renewed energy - in the mean time I've been working in the sketchbook and doing a little bit of digital sketching.  Below is a sketch of Death from Darksiders II, just something really quick - 20ish minutes.

(Digital Media)


Another Sketch

Not quite sure what or who he is, but with those sunglasses and that pencil mustache who wouldn't like him?
