(Ink and Markers - Sketchbook Page)
I've been buried in my sketchbook for the past couple of weeks - drawing everything and anything that comes to mind. It helps keep me involved when I'm not working on a project, and it's a lot of fun to try new things out. I've become pretty attached and I don't know what I would do without one. Now this wasn't always the way I used to think, I used to hate the idea of having to draw and write in an empty book, I don't know why, but it just never clicked with me until a few years ago when I was in school and became more serious about everything I do. For those of us who have adopted the "I NEED TO HAVE ONE" mentality, our sketchbooks are extremely important. Ideas are born there, ideas die there, and nothing is better than a blank page to express yourself upon. It's a very personal thing, and at least to me, the drawings in there hold more weight and value than any words I could write. I know some some artists who are completely willing to let people flip through and view their sketchbooks, and others who cringe at the thought of letting someone get that close to their personal work. I'm a little in the middle, there's some ideas that I'm not ready to share and others I am, so I've created a new page on this blog, located in the tab "
Sketches" above. So if you're at all interested in seeing a small sample of what I like to draw in my free-time go ahead and take a look.